
Involuntary Alcohol Addiction Treatment for Your Loved One (Juanita Darling)

Addiction is a terrifying thing for a family to go through. The constant worry about overdose, financial struggles, and the emotional toll your loved one may take on you can be harrowing. Through the Florida Marchman Act Petition, you have the right to petition the court for an involuntary alcohol addiction treatment for your loved one, or a court ordered drug treatment program. These programs are unique to Florida, so much so that many come from elsewhere in the United States in order to petition the Florida courts for court ordered drug treatment. If your loved one is in the hold of an unshakeable addiction, knowing your options is very important.

Petitioning the Court

The first step in getting your loved one the help they need is hiring an experienced lawyer. An attorney will help you navigate the difficult process of filing the petition. In the petition, you'll need to answer many questions regarding your loved one's drug use and provide examples as to how they have lost control over their life and need help from an outside source. These petitions can be life saving as many addicts are no longer capable of making the rational decisions necessary for their health, mental or physical. If an addict has become an inherent danger to him/herself or others, then this is also a very good reason to petition for court ordered drug treatment.

What Exactly is the Florida Marchman Act?

The Florida Marchman Act is civil procedure that is unique to Florida. This civil procedure allows family members of an addict to confidentially petition the court in order to legally place the substance abuser in treatment, usually against the addict's will. This petition asks for court assessment, treatment, and stabilization of the addict. The main reason why this can be an effective way to end your loved one's drug use is that if they go against the court's orders, they can be held responsible legally and face fines, and possibly jail time.

Why Should I Hire an Attorney?

It is important to hire an attorney, not only because they can help navigate the legal aspects of filing a petition, but also because after the petition is filed, your loved one will appointed an attorney whose sole responsibility is to prove that your loved one doesn't need involuntary alcohol addiction treatment. Having an experienced lawyer on hand will help prove to the court all the reasons why you feel that your loved one is in desperate need of help. Also, if the petition is granted, an attorney will help supervise your loved one's compliance to the court's orders, and help deal with difficult situations that may result in legal action taken against your him or her.

How Do I Start?

The easiest way to start getting help for your loved one is by acknowledging that they have a problem, and then taking steps to ensure they get the help they need. If your loved one has a history of leaving treatment, or disappearing during times of drug use, filing a petition under the Florida Marchman Act is a good way to make sure they get the help they need.

Alcohol addiction can be heartbreaking for the family members who have to watch the addict struggle. In Florida, family members have the option of involuntary alcohol addiction treatment. In this type of court ordered drug treatment, a judge will order the addict to enter a treatment facility if their addiction is out of control. To learn more, go to

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