
Amity Connect: More than Addiction Social Networking (Nicholas Grimaldi)

Possibly you know this already, those who are drug addicted or smoke marijuana gets a 'high' feeling whenever they seek resort to their addictions. Yes, this is definitely the 'negative effect' of addiction on the brain. The question which is frequently asked - How does drug addiction or marijuana reliance affect the Brain? Answer is written on the wall - the effects are deadly.

Drug abuse or smoking marijuana regularly can cause severe negative mental effects. Research has in fact proved - weed use and mental problems like schizophrenia, anxiety and depression and has a direct connection. To put it simply, clarity of mind is indeed one of the benefits of quitting weed and drugs. To lead a normal life, addiction recovery is therefore need of the hour. Options are practically endless when it comes to the point of getting the right kind of addiction help and this is exactly where Addiction Social Networking plays an incredible role.

"Do I really need to say bye to my addiction? "Well, that's possibly the most frequently asked question. Well, it's your choice indeed however if you are not aware, then this piece of information is for you -marijuana-induced and drug induced depressions are fatal. Amity Connects help you in getting rid of your marijuana and other addiction.

Aside from the short term and long term effects, marijuana also has a prolong effects on daily life. Marijuana abuse particularly in teenagers can create long term and serious obstacles in learning. Drug abuse can impair their normal graph of learning capabilities, thus blocking their critical thinking ability, and other related functions.

And you have heard that right; regular use of marijuana also causes serious issues at the workplace. No wonder, employees who abuse marijuana may look absolutely normal, however, deep inside, they experience tremendous disturbance and in most of the cases, drug abuse also affects their performance and productivity.

So, why do they fail to quit weed or other drug addictions? The answer is however simple - primarily because they don't much realize what to expect, or they don't understand how to develop any plan, which works.

Look for specialized programs, which offer realistic and individualized help to get rid of your addiction. Bank on any addiction Social Networking site to meet like-minded people who like you are also looking for ways to get rid of their addiction. The key is however not allowing your addiction to overpower you in searching for drugs, marijuana or other addictions to get high.

Honestly, you are valuable indeed and you have actually got a life waiting beyond all those mountains of addiction. Of course, the journey may seem long, however you are definitely not alone in the process and Amity Connect remains as one of the ultimate platform to get in touch with other likeminded individuals, desperately trying hard to get rid of their addiction.

First things first accept your addiction. This is typically because when it boils down to the point of addiction recovery, it is necessary to face your addiction issues, take responsibilities and then alter your ways.

Yes, choose an appropriate addiction help program and that's the very elementary base of any addiction treatment process.

Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who tries to find how effective the Addiction Social Networking websites and forums are. He also suggests the best ways to find forums and social networking site namely "Amity Connect".

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