
How Much Does Addiction Cost You?

For the money that a heroin user wastes on getting high each week, that person could instead sit in premium seats at a Broadway play, go skydiving, chill out at a luxury spa, have an lovely dinner with friends or family, and purchase a premium gym membership. Can you imagine how much this costs you over a month? A year? Ten Years? For the price that an alcoholic spends on booze every week, that person could do basically the same thing.

So, what is the price of addiction? From one source, statistics show that drug abuse and drug addiction cost Americans nearly $500 billion annually. dependence on drugs or alcohol can cost the user their self-esteem, dignity, relationships, home, finances, reputation, job, hope, children, spouse, and, most importantly, their lives . But it's not just about what the user loses; the price of addiction takes a substantial toll on the shoulders of the community, society, and even the population at large, as well.

Substance dependency upsets personal wellbeing on an emotional, physical, mental, and financial level. In many instances, spiritual well-being is also disturbed. The reach of addiction knows no bounds and obeys no authority. This is not to imply that addicted individuals are blameworthy - that would a quick conclusion and does not resolve the real issue. The reality is far more nuanced than that.

But there are remaining consequences to the dependent lifestyle, regardless of how people feel their dependency may or may not be impacting themselves and people around them. It is therefore important to bring forth the detrimental impacts of substance dependency to foster a valuable awareness. Its potential value is more clearly understood when dependent persons are educated as to the cost they pay for their dependency, and that a life free from addiction offers clearer horizons. Hopefully this awareness will become a reminder that leads to the pursuit of dependence counseling, which will contribute toward relieving of the emotional, health-realted, mental, financial, legal, communal, and civic costs of addiction.

Dependency both causes and is caused by chemical disorder in the brain, familial issues, relational issues, anxiety, self-esteem issues, low mood, depression, and a host of other undesirables. This list goes on and on. And yet it doesn't matter too much, the degree of these issues that one suffers - there is always a greater cost for substance dependency.

Unfortunately, though, that cost is not often realized until it is too late; since addiction chips away at life gradually. Habits can gradually destroy a person's livelihood, yet another unfortunately side effect of drug dependency. It is critical that consequences such as these are appreciated so that they are attended to appropriately. The field of science, the realm of law, and the survivors of dependency all fervently endorse treatment. Treatment helps to heal addiction itself, past history, emotion, cognition, consequence, family, behavior, and many other important pieces that make up the complicated constellation of addiction. In understanding these pieces, those in need will hopefully acknowledge that the cost of addiction is too expensive, and the benefit of sobriety has been wholly unnoticed.

This highlights the importance to tame and ideally overcome one's dependency. What's the best approach? That is the subject of intense debate amongst anyone with an opinion. The bottom line is not easily understood or settled, this is universally understood. But regardless of what path is chosen to deal with drug dependency, it is important to engage in treatment and start taking action - to grasp addiction, and mitigate or the malice it can sow in people's lives.

The alcohol rehab center at Passages Malibu is among the finest and most exclusive in the world. Their prescription drug rehab center has also been recognized by the Joint Commission and is world renowned.

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