
Elements Of A Successful Addiction Rehab

When addicts start a therapy they embark on a learning process. Overcoming an addiction doesn't simply mean learning how to not give in to the craving anymore. For sustainable success it is important that the patients get a comprehensive treatment. No matter whether the problem is alcoholism, gaming, gambling, adult movies, shopping or substances like cocaine and LSD, many elements of a successful addiction rehab are the same. One of the building blocks is identifying the triggers for the craving. Addicts suffer from craving almost every day, sometimes several times a day. Patients need to find out why this is the case. It could be boredom or unstructured times, it could be stress and fears; for some people it is happiness, for others the internet; and some people start suffering from craving when they pass certain places or when they meet certain people.

Whatever the triggers are, addicts need to learn how to deal with them in a different way. If it's possible they should even eliminate the triggers from their lives. The next step is to understand what is behind those triggers. In most cases, unresolved problems from childhood or adolescence - often even traumatic experiences - are the underlying reasons for the addiction. The process of recognizing and understanding these factors can be painful and at the same time it can provide a lot of relief. Usually, it takes a few weeks. Addicts should not expect to quit an addiction within a few days. A cold turkey is not the same as stopping an addiction, e.g. visit gambling addiction therapy.

The more patients learn about the real reasons for their addiction, the more they are able to feel sympathy for themselves. It is crucial to recognize that feelings of shame and guilt are not justified and need to be abandoned. The more people feel ashamed and guilty the more they will consume their drugs in order to feel better - which in turn makes them feel bad again. This vicious circle needs to be broken.

In parallel, patients need a recalibration of their lives. Many addicts lost control and they need to set new aims in life. New meaningful activities should replace the consumption of drugs but the patients themselves must define what is meaningful. It needs to fit into their individual lives. Sport and healthy eating can also contribute to improve the physical well-being and the brain chemistry. Relaxation techniques are another element of an effective addiction rehab. They can help patients get used to lower levels of excitement, dopamine and endorphins again. For more information visit e.g. visit sex addiction therapy.

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Frank Lavario has published 2 articles. Article submitted on March 22, 2013. Word count: 430

1 comment:

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    Addiction Rehab
